PDF for Endorsers

Hello Reviewers and Endorsers,


Thanks for agreeing to take a look at The Orderly Conversation.

Click the .pdf image to download the file.

A few things to keep in mind.

  • This version (draft 4) of the book still needs to be copy edited and proofed. Please forgive any minor errors.
  • Some of the graphics included here will appear in the final version, and some are rough. It will be obvious which is which.
  • Pagination is messy with a lot of white space between chapters and some sections.
  • Currently Dale’s portions appear in a sans serif font and Greg’s are in a serif font. We will find a more elegant way to keep our voices separate in the final version.

Thanks again. We are so appreciative of your time and efforts. Feedback and/or endorsements may be sent to info@turpincommunication.com. Please include how you’d like your name, credentials, and title to appear. 

Endorsements may be printed on the book cover, inside the book, on this website and in promotional material.

Dale and Greg